Friday, December 26, 2008

How To Convert Sliding Door To

Where is Love?

In these days of Christmas I worked a lot. Even yesterday morning .... even to Santo Stefano. Then in the afternoon are collapsed in bed. The me 'mom woke me up at 19 if I was not straight! At that point I called the Giaconella that was unfavorable to the 'on' man and I've got set to go for pizza by Mary Vernio. The legendary Giaconella presented with a sheepskin coat and red backpack. A dinner with us are also put Mary, Sara and Claudio he has done with me and the postman Giaconella in October. The family of Mary, when he opened the restaurant is all there: the mother, father, aunt, Sara ... a band! They are all very good and I do not mean in terms of local management, but of character. Maria, I never once unfavorable view, except that it was tickets to the U2 concert. The Sara and Claudio seem to see peace and joy, she never s'incazza with him and always smiling, the mother of Mary is serenity personified. In short, they put you at ease. After dinner, the laughter is gone in a hurry to Cavarzano. Maria invited me to his house and so, for the first time I climbed in the royal apartments. We set on TV and tried to light a fire as we watched the end of "The Usual Suspects." I felt a sense of dejavu as if that was their nightly routine, and those they had occupied their usual places and I seemed to have been a part even if there had never been.

On Christmas Eve, like every year me and Maria and other friends, we went by the Boers at home to exchange gifts. Maria gave me an enlargement of this photo:

's me and you, this summer in Hong Kong. After I ruled out the paintings of Boers appeared to Hong Kong. We were watching "Batman - The Dark Knight."

But Maria and I had Ale and a gift to Elisir photos we snapped a few days ago, while we were at dinner at Don Quixote with Francesca:

Bellina true? I think the strength of a gift is in what evokes such as a photo taken with people you love and with whom you are well. Where is the love? Here. In these images. That does not necessarily have to think about love between two people and believe that we should try to be happy that one issue, otherwise you have "failed the mission." Love is everywhere and it is true that there are many types of love and many ways of loving. You always think that those who find "soul mate" and then get married and makes us children, a family is lucky because in this person's life there is love. To be honest I do not feel less fortunate than those who are married or engaged since for forutna, in fact, even in my life there is love. It comes from people with whom they are not boyfriend and goes to the people with whom they are not married. They are friends that fill my life and I love.

Among the bullshit that comes to e-mail one day I received this nice little story in which I immediately I identified one of the characters. To you tell me which one. I assure you that it is not difficult and if a little 'I guess now you know the look ... the answers on the comments votre! Very good Good year-end and New Year to you all with the people you love! Where


Madness decided to invite his friends to have coffee with her.

After coffee, Madness suggested: "You play hide and seek?"
"Hide and seek? What is it? "- Asked the sights.
"Hide and seek is a game. I count to a hundred and you hide. When I finished counting, I will try and find that the first will be the next count. " All accepted except Fear and Laziness.
"1,2,3" - the crowd began to count. The
quickly hid before, where it happened. The Shy, timid as always, he hid in a group of trees.
Joy ran into the garden. The pain began to cry, because he could not find a suitable corner to hide. Envy joined the Triumph and hid behind a rock beside him. Madness continued to count while his friends were hiding.
Despair was in despair, seeing that the crowd was already ninety-nine. "CENT! - Shouted the crowd - I'll start looking. " The first to be found was the Curious, because he could not keep from going out to see who would be the first to be discovered.
Looking on the one hand, Madness saw Doubt on a fence that did not know which side you would be better nascosto.E so on found the Joy, Sadness, Shyness.
When all were assembled, the Curiosity asked: "Where is the Love?". No one had seen. The crowd began to look for it. He tried in the top of a mountain, river rocks below. But I do not find love. Looking everywhere, Madness saw a rose, took a piece of wood and began to search among the branches, when suddenly he heard a cry. It was Love, who cried because he had a thorn pierced his eye.
Madness did not know what to do. He apologized, begged for his love and forgiveness came up to promise to follow him forever. Love accepted the apology.

Today, Love is blind and Madness always with him.

How To Convert Sliding Door To

Where is Love?

In these days of Christmas I worked a lot. Even yesterday morning .... even to Santo Stefano. Then in the afternoon are collapsed in bed. The me 'mom woke me up at 19 if I was not straight! At that point I called the Giaconella that was unfavorable to the 'on' man and I've got set to go for pizza by Mary Vernio. The legendary Giaconella presented with a sheepskin coat and red backpack. A dinner with us are also put Mary, Sara and Claudio he has done with me and the postman Giaconella in October. The family of Mary, when he opened the restaurant is all there: the mother, father, aunt, Sara ... a band! They are all very good and I do not mean in terms of local management, but of character. Maria, I never once unfavorable view, except that it was tickets to the U2 concert. The Sara and Claudio seem to see peace and joy, she never s'incazza with him and always smiling, the mother of Mary is serenity personified. In short, they put you at ease. After dinner, the laughter is gone in a hurry to Cavarzano. Maria invited me to his house and so, for the first time I climbed in the royal apartments. We set on TV and tried to light a fire as we watched the end of "The Usual Suspects." I felt a sense of dejavu as if that was their nightly routine, and those they had occupied their usual places and I seemed to have been a part even if there had never been.

On Christmas Eve, like every year me and Maria and other friends, we went by the Boers at home to exchange gifts. Maria gave me an enlargement of this photo:

's me and you, this summer in Hong Kong. After I ruled out the paintings of Boers appeared to Hong Kong. We were watching "Batman - The Dark Knight."

But Maria and I had Ale and a gift to Elisir photos we snapped a few days ago, while we were at dinner at Don Quixote with Francesca:

Bellina true? I think the strength of a gift is in what evokes such as a photo taken with people you love and with whom you are well. Where is the love? Here. In these images. That does not necessarily have to think about love between two people and believe that we should try to be happy that one issue, otherwise you have "failed the mission." Love is everywhere and it is true that there are many types of love and many ways of loving. You always think that those who find "soul mate" and then get married and makes us children, a family is lucky because in this person's life there is love. To be honest I do not feel less fortunate than those who are married or engaged since for forutna, in fact, even in my life there is love. It comes from people with whom they are not boyfriend and goes to the people with whom they are not married. They are friends that fill my life and I love.

Among the bullshit that comes to e-mail one day I received this nice little story in which I immediately I identified one of the characters. To you tell me which one. I assure you that it is not difficult and if a little 'I guess now you know the look ... the answers on the comments votre! Very good Good year-end and New Year to you all with the people you love! Where


Madness decided to invite his friends to have coffee with her.

After coffee, Madness suggested: "You play hide and seek?"
"Hide and seek? What is it? "- Asked the sights.
"Hide and seek is a game. I count to a hundred and you hide. When I finished counting, I will try and find that the first will be the next count. " All accepted except Fear and Laziness.
"1,2,3" - the crowd began to count. The
quickly hid before, where it happened. The Shy, timid as always, he hid in a group of trees.
Joy ran into the garden. The pain began to cry, because he could not find a suitable corner to hide. Envy joined the Triumph and hid behind a rock beside him. Madness continued to count while his friends were hiding.
Despair was in despair, seeing that the crowd was already ninety-nine. "CENT! - Shouted the crowd - I'll start looking. " The first to be found was the Curious, because he could not keep from going out to see who would be the first to be discovered.
Looking on the one hand, Madness saw Doubt on a fence that did not know which side you would be better nascosto.E so on found the Joy, Sadness, Shyness.
When all were assembled, the Curiosity asked: "Where is the Love?". No one had seen. The crowd began to look for it. He tried in the top of a mountain, river rocks below. But I do not find love. Looking everywhere, Madness saw a rose, took a piece of wood and began to search among the branches, when suddenly he heard a cry. It was Love, who cried because he had a thorn pierced his eye.
Madness did not know what to do. He apologized, begged for his love and forgiveness came up to promise to follow him forever. Love accepted the apology.

Today, Love is blind and Madness always with him.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where Can You Withdraw Cash From Biolife Card

nursing nursing computerized

folder and computerized nursing 'consists of a care plan, a tool that allows the nurse to design and implement the customization of care to ensure scientific validity and should be directed to a process and a conceptual model used as a reference.
The nursing process is "a guide default, but flexible in the planning, implementation and evaluation of effective assistance." The dynamism and the cyclical nature of the process allows, through its documentation in the care plan, to provide a means of assessment, planning and constant comparison of results favoring the continuity, quality and collaboration within the team in flexible manner, but organized.
Our reference model and 'revision of the conceptual model of Gordon by Carpenito.
E 'in profile professional nurse (DM No. 739 of 1994) which is enshrined in law the responsibility of the nurse: the nurse involved in the identification of health needs of the individual and the community, identifies the needs of nursing care of the person and the community and make its goals, plans, manages and evaluates the nursing care intervention, ensures the correct application of diagnostic and therapeutic.
The process of nursing care and 'divided into four phases:
1) Establishment of Policy Analysis
2) Planning
Definition diagnosis diagnosis related factor

Identification Identification Identification
goal choice interventions NOC

3) Implementation of intervention
4) Evaluation

1) The Establishment
Working Group 10 of the ASL has worked to create standards related to pathology findings: when the doctor inserts a diagnosis for admission automatically generated findings that investigate the nursing diagnosis most often, this in order to concentrate more efforts to those problems common to specific diseases. In literature (Carpenito) is present if the nursing diagnosis-defining features are present, evidence that the nurse has to take into account in formulating his diagnosis, then diagnostic reasoning is a form of circumstantial thinking where the preparation and subjectivity have a large weight. To speed up the investigation and to standardize the behavior, the group has identified a directory parameter in the diagnosis always called criterion of activation. The nurse performing the assessment will analyze the various criteria for activation, which was divided for models when the criterion of activation is altered, the message appears to automatic diagnosis and do choose whether or not display on the ground. When the diagnosis is activated, the nurse should not have to choose related factor, goal and intervention, after that 'intervention will be selected automatically in the daily activity plan.
To better understand the criterion of activation, the cornerstone of our planning, we display a part of the investigation above nursing: the ones highlighted in yellow are the criteria for models and video clips. For example, in nutrition and metabolism have difficulty in swallowing: If we believe that the patient has swallowing difficulties we must not do anything but run the Timed water swallow and if this test is positive diagnosis will be activated automatically. Thus in model elimination: if a patient does not evacuate more than three days will be activated in the diagnosis of constipation, but if there are more than three liquid stools / day activates the diagnosis of diarrhea. All this happens in other models for other nursing diagnoses

2) Clinical Path
The clinical path is the tool that allows us to manage those actions agreed upon in advance between the various professionals. In our portfolio, at the time of medical diagnosis, it automatically will generate the targeted disease and individual actions will be automatic in our daily business plan.

3) Update
nursing interventions that do not generate the nursing diagnoses and clinical path must be written in the update: this data automatically will go into nursing journal and views (list present in the department with information relevant to the management of 'assistance)

4) Plan activities daily

In this space we have the opportunity to work on interventions related to nursing diagnoses and those related to the clinical path. The nurse has three options: to perform the surgery, advise it in the next round, or possibly leave it in stand-by.

5) Diary nursing

All work will be automatically in 24 hours of nursing diary, a document in which we see all actions grouped by day. The documentation of the entire process is assistance, the reality today, the best way for you to plan the work in the business units to follow paths of nursing and acting quality can be measured, evaluated, compared and modified in the pursuit of principles such as effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of care.

6) Surveying
This page allows you to enter vital signs, maneuvers and operations performed on the patient, those related to abnormal activation leading to activation criteria for the diagnosis resulting in the generation of steep linked.
The program asks if you confirm the activation of the diagnosis: if "we" must 'choose the related factor, the NOC, the intervention goal.
parameters also have the opportunity to be compared or to be assessed through a chart

7) View of the patients

list of patients on the ward with all the data needed by managers:
this instrument is the change of turn or in the management of daily activities.
data entry can be modified according to the needs of different realities. The folder

nursing has two other very important parts, one is a sheet where we can find the examinations if the examination is being or has been done and then view it, the other is the sheet discharge nursing that grants us continuity with the territory.

Where Can You Withdraw Cash From Biolife Card

nursing nursing computerized

folder and computerized nursing 'consists of a care plan, a tool that allows the nurse to design and implement the customization of care to ensure scientific validity and should be directed to a process and a conceptual model used as a reference.
The nursing process is "a guide default, but flexible in the planning, implementation and evaluation of effective assistance." The dynamism and the cyclical nature of the process allows, through its documentation in the care plan, to provide a means of assessment, planning and constant comparison of results favoring the continuity, quality and collaboration within the team in flexible manner, but organized.
Our reference model and 'revision of the conceptual model of Gordon by Carpenito.
E 'in profile professional nurse (DM No. 739 of 1994) which is enshrined in law the responsibility of the nurse: the nurse involved in the identification of health needs of the individual and the community, identifies the needs of nursing care of the person and the community and make its goals, plans, manages and evaluates the nursing care intervention, ensures the correct application of diagnostic and therapeutic.
The process of nursing care and 'divided into four phases:
1) Establishment of Policy Analysis
2) Planning
Definition diagnosis diagnosis related factor

Identification Identification Identification
goal choice interventions NOC

3) Implementation of intervention
4) Evaluation

1) The Establishment
Working Group 10 of the ASL has worked to create standards related to pathology findings: when the doctor inserts a diagnosis for admission automatically generated findings that investigate the nursing diagnosis most often, this in order to concentrate more efforts to those problems common to specific diseases. In literature (Carpenito) is present if the nursing diagnosis-defining features are present, evidence that the nurse has to take into account in formulating his diagnosis, then diagnostic reasoning is a form of circumstantial thinking where the preparation and subjectivity have a large weight. To speed up the investigation and to standardize the behavior, the group has identified a directory parameter in the diagnosis always called criterion of activation. The nurse performing the assessment will analyze the various criteria for activation, which was divided for models when the criterion of activation is altered, the message appears to automatic diagnosis and do choose whether or not display on the ground. When the diagnosis is activated, the nurse should not have to choose related factor, goal and intervention, after that 'intervention will be selected automatically in the daily activity plan.
To better understand the criterion of activation, the cornerstone of our planning, we display a part of the investigation above nursing: the ones highlighted in yellow are the criteria for models and video clips. For example, in nutrition and metabolism have difficulty in swallowing: If we believe that the patient has swallowing difficulties we must not do anything but run the Timed water swallow and if this test is positive diagnosis will be activated automatically. Thus in model elimination: if a patient does not evacuate more than three days will be activated in the diagnosis of constipation, but if there are more than three liquid stools / day activates the diagnosis of diarrhea. All this happens in other models for other nursing diagnoses

2) Clinical Path
The clinical path is the tool that allows us to manage those actions agreed upon in advance between the various professionals. In our portfolio, at the time of medical diagnosis, it automatically will generate the targeted disease and individual actions will be automatic in our daily business plan.

3) Update
nursing interventions that do not generate the nursing diagnoses and clinical path must be written in the update: this data automatically will go into nursing journal and views (list present in the department with information relevant to the management of 'assistance)

4) Plan activities daily

In this space we have the opportunity to work on interventions related to nursing diagnoses and those related to the clinical path. The nurse has three options: to perform the surgery, advise it in the next round, or possibly leave it in stand-by.

5) Diary nursing

All work will be automatically in 24 hours of nursing diary, a document in which we see all actions grouped by day. The documentation of the entire process is assistance, the reality today, the best way for you to plan the work in the business units to follow paths of nursing and acting quality can be measured, evaluated, compared and modified in the pursuit of principles such as effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of care.

6) Surveying
This page allows you to enter vital signs, maneuvers and operations performed on the patient, those related to abnormal activation leading to activation criteria for the diagnosis resulting in the generation of steep linked.
The program asks if you confirm the activation of the diagnosis: if "we" must 'choose the related factor, the NOC, the intervention goal.
parameters also have the opportunity to be compared or to be assessed through a chart

7) View of the patients

list of patients on the ward with all the data needed by managers:
this instrument is the change of turn or in the management of daily activities.
data entry can be modified according to the needs of different realities. The folder

nursing has two other very important parts, one is a sheet where we can find the examinations if the examination is being or has been done and then view it, the other is the sheet discharge nursing that grants us continuity with the territory.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bench Fix Salon Haircuts


But what the hell is it for? There was already
MSN? I mean, what was the need to bring out even immoda this shit? At a time when reality shows reign supreme and where everyone seems about 25/35 years can no longer do without knowing who whimper on an island or those who have found a mole in the garden (no, tell me you!), we also lacked a degenerative Feisbuk this bitch! Well, folks, I really wonder the years 2000. There is thick, there's an original idea ... but we want to talk about the fabulous '80s? At the time, and until the advent of the Internet, people went out and actually meet and whether it was in abstinence of sex (because, come on, we do not take the piss, this is the engine also faces book ...), went to BACCAGLIARE seriously ... not now. Now you ask someone that E 'GIA' if your friend wants to be your friend on 'I'm fucking feisbuk. But we're all stoned to throttle or acid rain were based ecstasy lately?
In reality, part of a phenomenon "social" that is bringing people together! But I say, but if I wanted to keep in touch with my classmates in high school, in your opinion, did not know how? Maybe I do not mean that some 'de decorations unless they have their news, right? And then this rubbish that people send me: "I elected feisbuk best friend", "find out what cartoon you are", "you also join the group not abandoned dogs " ... but to what end, I'm sorry? Half of the rubbish and then starting with "Those who ..."! I do not really bring myself to believe that the whole world is bent and stooping to this mess ...
Once many years ago, I was a kid, I went with the boys to buy the "maps" to us then the reeds, in view of last year. The bartender Quarrata who knew us, told us: "vu icché want? Maps? Pe 'let us icché? But go oaks du fie, rather, go."
quell'omo now thinking, I can think of that when he was young reeds maybe there already but he did not smoke because it was stuff that went in other rooms (?) and that his only interest was to go and ask the girls to make love as we used to say. So, sorry, had no reason to answer that? Oh the maps we had, was a tobacco mica ... but we sold them! Great! Then I
"those who feisbuk" should go to lick 'du' fie or going to fall upon some beautiful mature fuck ... those are the reality that it would take!

Bench Fix Salon Haircuts


But what the hell is it for? There was already
MSN? I mean, what was the need to bring out even immoda this shit? At a time when reality shows reign supreme and where everyone seems about 25/35 years can no longer do without knowing who whimper on an island or those who have found a mole in the garden (no, tell me you!), we also lacked a degenerative Feisbuk this bitch! Well, folks, I really wonder the years 2000. There is thick, there's an original idea ... but we want to talk about the fabulous '80s? At the time, and until the advent of the Internet, people went out and actually meet and whether it was in abstinence of sex (because, come on, we do not take the piss, this is the engine also faces book ...), went to BACCAGLIARE seriously ... not now. Now you ask someone that E 'GIA' if your friend wants to be your friend on 'I'm fucking feisbuk. But we're all stoned to throttle or acid rain were based ecstasy lately?
In reality, part of a phenomenon "social" that is bringing people together! But I say, but if I wanted to keep in touch with my classmates in high school, in your opinion, did not know how? Maybe I do not mean that some 'de decorations unless they have their news, right? And then this rubbish that people send me: "I elected feisbuk best friend", "find out what cartoon you are", "you also join the group not abandoned dogs " ... but to what end, I'm sorry? Half of the rubbish and then starting with "Those who ..."! I do not really bring myself to believe that the whole world is bent and stooping to this mess ...
Once many years ago, I was a kid, I went with the boys to buy the "maps" to us then the reeds, in view of last year. The bartender Quarrata who knew us, told us: "vu icché want? Maps? Pe 'let us icché? But go oaks du fie, rather, go."
quell'omo now thinking, I can think of that when he was young reeds maybe there already but he did not smoke because it was stuff that went in other rooms (?) and that his only interest was to go and ask the girls to make love as we used to say. So, sorry, had no reason to answer that? Oh the maps we had, was a tobacco mica ... but we sold them! Great! Then I
"those who feisbuk" should go to lick 'du' fie or going to fall upon some beautiful mature fuck ... those are the reality that it would take!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Long Can It Take For A Tick Bite To Heal

LIFE - Life is a challenge!

Those who know me and was at my house at least once, has certainly seen my "Mega-child" or the creature from my wall signed Educa. The educator is a English brand of board games and hobbies in general but also is a leader in the design and implementation of PUZZLE. I love them and what you can see above has as its subject a painting by the Flemish artist Willem Van Haecht and is entitled "Alexander the Great's visit to the studio of Apelles," is composed of 8000 pieces and I ended in 2004. Beautiful, it takes an entire wall of my attic and do not even took me a long time ... like 3 months.
Now you give that also educates both trooooooooooooppo forward as ideas and has launched a new challenge for fans of this game / puzzle: the largest Puzzle World: It's called LIFE and it is assembled with "only" 24,000 pieces! Measures to be dizzy: 428cm x 157cm ... in practice it takes a wall of a palace at home where you put it? These are crazy, but obviously they know where to hit, because I guarantee you that since I learned of the existence of this creature, I can not help but think about how m'intripperei throw in this new challenge!

image designed by the artist originally from New Zealand is a mad visionary landscape put together by combining some of his works comes out on a journey through the world of dreams, populated by colarti fish, animals of all types, balloons host galaxies and planets in strange horse heads: and then ... Atlantis between the seabed we want it to fail? This little gem of incredible visual beauty of the coast 290 USD or € 225 ... about a bang! Too much and then, luckily you can buy at the moment only on the internet ... I hope, because if I find the Dreoni in Florence and took me well, I'm the cat! If you click here will see much better picture of this monster!

How Long Can It Take For A Tick Bite To Heal

LIFE - Life is a challenge!

Those who know me and was at my house at least once, has certainly seen my "Mega-child" or the creature from my wall signed Educa. The educator is a English brand of board games and hobbies in general but also is a leader in the design and implementation of PUZZLE. I love them and what you can see above has as its subject a painting by the Flemish artist Willem Van Haecht and is entitled "Alexander the Great's visit to the studio of Apelles," is composed of 8000 pieces and I ended in 2004. Beautiful, it takes an entire wall of my attic and do not even took me a long time ... like 3 months.
Now you give that also educates both trooooooooooooppo forward as ideas and has launched a new challenge for fans of this game / puzzle: the largest Puzzle World: It's called LIFE and it is assembled with "only" 24,000 pieces! Measures to be dizzy: 428cm x 157cm ... in practice it takes a wall of a palace at home where you put it? These are crazy, but obviously they know where to hit, because I guarantee you that since I learned of the existence of this creature, I can not help but think about how m'intripperei throw in this new challenge!

image designed by the artist originally from New Zealand is a mad visionary landscape put together by combining some of his works comes out on a journey through the world of dreams, populated by colarti fish, animals of all types, balloons host galaxies and planets in strange horse heads: and then ... Atlantis between the seabed we want it to fail? This little gem of incredible visual beauty of the coast 290 USD or € 225 ... about a bang! Too much and then, luckily you can buy at the moment only on the internet ... I hope, because if I find the Dreoni in Florence and took me well, I'm the cat! If you click here will see much better picture of this monster!