Now you give that also educates both trooooooooooooppo forward as ideas and has launched a new challenge for fans of this game / puzzle: the largest Puzzle World: It's called LIFE and it is assembled with "only" 24,000 pieces! Measures to be dizzy: 428cm x 157cm ... in practice it takes a wall of a palace at home where you put it? These are crazy, but obviously they know where to hit, because I guarantee you that since I learned of the existence of this creature, I can not help but think about how m'intripperei throw in this new challenge!

image designed by the artist originally from New Zealand is a mad visionary landscape put together by combining some of his works comes out on a journey through the world of dreams, populated by colarti fish, animals of all types, balloons host galaxies and planets in strange horse heads: and then ... Atlantis between the seabed we want it to fail? This little gem of incredible visual beauty of the coast 290 USD or € 225 ... about a bang! Too much and then, luckily you can buy at the moment only on the internet ... I hope, because if I find the Dreoni in Florence and took me well, I'm the cat! If you click here will see much better picture of this monster!
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